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Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Wonderful Dinner Party ...continued


Taylor (the dog) loves to be a part of every party, so the guys let me give her carrot snacks. We had grilled chicken and scalloped potatoes and a delicious salad! We didn't really sit down to dinner until after nine. Enid brought over a rhubarb-strawberry pie...YUM! Cool Whip must be a novelty to her (don't they have it in Australia?). Later we nestled into the living room to visit when Johnnie and I decided to go the computer to look up the blog. I helped him start his own and we laughed and had a wonderful time. Poor Gordon usually turns in for the night about 8, I think, so at 11 I call downstairs and promised to get him home shortly! The guys can pat themselves on the back for having a gathering that was a roaring success!


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