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Friday, July 21, 2006

Ken's Arrived in Town!


Sometimes this blog gets obstinate and I can't seen to upload this typical?

I drove David up to the airport on Tuesday night for his flight to visit relatives. I stayed over in the new hotel up by the airport, watched a movie, had a nice dinner and waited for Ken to come in the next morning. Thursday morning when Ken called for the shuttle, I rode over with the driver to greet him while he was still at the airport. It didn't take long to pack up the car and head back down to the south shore. We stopped in Mahone Bay again and got absolutely delicious sandwiches and cappiccino. We began chatting with a man there who it turned out was an author and he pointed out several of his books on the shelves. Everyone up here seems to have a real talent for something; it can be a little intimadating!


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