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Monday, July 17, 2006

Impromptu Sunday Evening Dinner at the MacPhee's


I don't know how I ended up with two pictures here, but the last time I tried to remove one, everything disappeared! Not doing THAT again! Billy & Dave had invited me over for a ham dinner and when I got there, Lowell was there, too. It was somehow decided that we'd take all of the dinner down to Steph & Lowell's and have dinner there. They'd been to a wedding the evening before (Saturday) over in Digby, so they were just getting home and hadn't fixed dinner.

I don't know anyone who can make food look prettier than B&D! You'd have to go to a pretty high end restaurant to find deviled eggs served like this! And they were delicious!

All the makings of another wonderful dinner. I can't recall when I had ham last. The potato salad, macaroni salad and home made relish were all wonderful!

Above, that's Stephanie's grandmother, Nan, and next to her is her sister, Lilly, visiting from Halifax.

Poor David! He just hates having his picture taken and here I am, a friend who's never without a camera! He leaves Wednesday for a family reunion (where there'll probably be lots more cameras!), but he'll be free of me for a little while!

And lastly for the evening, back up to the sun porch for afterdinner drinks. The fog had rolled in and it got quite cool outside. Imagine! On a Summer-in-July evening!



  • At 12:50 AM, Blogger Warm homefires said…

    I can't even begin to comment on all the fun it looks like you're having!!! It's very strange to not be there this summer...but we shall be there again. I couldn't imagine not returning to the fabulous folks up in Lunenburg! Continue enjoy the food, laughter and company...and try not to get too worn out! xoxoxox, HE


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