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Monday, July 31, 2006

The Cats that Welcomed Us Back Home

Little Pink sits in the breakfast room window. She's completely an indoor cat, though she was born in the backyard to "our" feral cat, Dusty. She just marked her third birthday on the 30th.

This is Tabby, our 22 pounder! I didn't think he'd show that much interest in us when we came home, but he meows at me until I lie down and then he jumps up to lie down on top of me!

T.J. (Tabby Junior). When he arrived in the back yard to stay, we could hardly tell him apart from Tabby and have come to believe they might even be brothers. He's the most outgoing and friendliest of the cats. When I wanted to take his picture, I could get him to sit, but I haven't mastered "stay". He was a tough one to photograph; he's always on the move!

Our first morning back, Pink and Tabby seemed glad to have us home as they spent most of the day on the bed. They were in need of a good brushing after our absence!

It Was Just a Walk in the Park

While I was in Lunenburg I was walking nearly every morning (thanks to my "trainer", Billy!) and I'd made such good headway I didn't want to give it up now that I'm back home. I was missing the beauty of the walking trail along the water, sometimes in the fog, so I took along the camera and tried to see the beauty in what we have nearby. I'm standing on one of the little bridges which has been part of a running joke when we've gone walking in the past. As I've struggled to make it to the finish line, I've said, "Only two more rivers to cross..." It's not exactly like we had to ford a stream! Ken wanted me to be sure to get a picture of the golf course where he sometimes plays.

...Just a Walk in the Park

We took an extended walk this afternoon so we could get some pictures of one of the two lakes in the park. I had to laugh at the Canada Geese and the other two who came swimming toward me when I leaned over to get a picture of them. Everywhere there are signs posted asking people not to feed the ducks, but I think it's mostly ignored. After I took the picture and they saw I didn't plan to feed them, they turned and swam away. I added a picture of one of the many childrens' play areas that shows how popular the park is. Ken's standing on what is called Palm Island, a walkway that crosses the lake. I don't think I ever paid attention as to how large the lake actually is. After having been away during a heat wave, we were delighted to find our 5:30 walk pleasently breezy and slightly overcast.

Three Weeks Flew by Before Flying Home Sunday

It's a long day getting to or from Nova Scotia and California. We rose just before 4 AM to head to the Halifax airport for a 6 AM flight. In the lobby I posed for one corny tourist picture. The flight was on time and I got a picture from my window seat leaving Halifax for JFK in New York. We got through customs quickly and easily and again our flight was on time leaving New York (see skyline with the morning sun shining on the top of The Chrysler Building). We had a nice breakfast aboard the flight, but the best part was the milk and warm cookies served an hour before landing! Cindy, the flight attendant, was most agreeable about being photographed. After a five + hour flight, the first terrain that came easily into view was the San Bernadino mountains and Big Bear below the clouds. We arrived back in LA at 11:30 PST (3:30 Nova Scotia time), a 12 hour day. Little wonder we were ready to call it a day at 8PM, Lunenburg just a happy memory, or better put, a lot of happy memories!

Dill Came Back By on His Own

In the middle of the afternoon, Ken saw Dill lying in the garden in the back. I went out to see him and he rolled over on his back and acted glad to see me. I carried him inside for one last "portrait". He strolled around downstairs before heading to the back door.

At the door he looked over his shoulder as though saying good-bye for the season.

I took more pictures of Dill than anything or anyone else during my 3-week stay. He's the most agreeable cat I've ever photographed, as though he actually enjoys it, or at least doesn't mind!

Before we left town, we loaded the luggage into Stephanie & Lowell's car and I noticed the beautiful arbor entrance to their garden. Here's the last picture I took in town...

The Annual Summer Waffle Breakfast


Billy and David know what a treat it is to get fresh flowers from their garden. In a summer when the rains have been very hard on the plants, it was especially sweet of them to bring me a rose.

Ken opened a bottle of champagne and we had Mimosas before breakfast.

David doesn't just bring a plate of fruit, but it's a thoughtfully designed offering.

Billy (above) and David (below) with the start of morning waffles. Up in the Lunenburg area I found an old waffle iron for sale and it makes some of the best waffles! You could never find one today that gets as hot or makes crisp waffles like this one does. I was delighted to be the new owner for the price of only $5!

David, what's not to love about your sweet face? Thank you for smiling for my camera straight through to the end. You're through with me now until next summer...
One last day in the company of sweet Dill. B&D brought him along to the breakfast, so it would be unfair not to feed him as well. He gets what they call his "Matterhorn of Friskies with a mote around it".

Friday Night Boxwood Finale

After a relaxing dinner, the four of us couples met at the United Church that's situated across the park directly in front of our house. The evening was cool, but the church grew quite warm as it was filled to capacity with standing room only.

During the intermission, Jan and David (rt) introduced us to the couple they'd been housing during their stay while studying/playing with Boxwood. Nick Halley (with his girlfriend, Liz) is a musician with the Chris Norman Ensamble, and I wish you could have been there to hear him, John & Ashley. I thought of you as he played the drum (and he also played the piano). I'll save his bio to share with you or you can read about him here: He grew up in a musical family, but he's studied music much as you two are doing on this trip. Lunenburg brings together such a rich variety of musicians!

Janet and David

The Boxwood finale, concluding at least 2 1/2 hours of music.

Our Last Evening in Lunenburg

Gill and John were our hosts for the evening's dinner. Gill, along with her friend, Jan, is an amazing cook. The two of them are known for their catering on occasion around Lunenburg. Before dinner we had drinks and home-made spring rolls, and dinner was mussles in a mouth-watering broth of tomatoes and cilantro with bread to soak the latter!

In Gill and John's back yard, that's David and Jan on either side of Enid.

Sam was visiting John and Gill...the sweetest dog! He came to visit each of us as he made his way around the table.

Gordon (with Sam), David and John

Cassie, Gill's cat, looks like our Pink. They have two black cats. As I was following one around on the ground, trying to take his picture, everyone laughed as this one sat right over my head atop the ladder!


This was the loveliest platter of assorted cheeses, fruit and bread. It was a nice close on a delicious dinner, before attending Boxwood at the church across the park from our home.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Final Edition ~ Fox Street News and Beyond

Is it possible? Where did the time go? This has been an all-too-short summer stay here in Lunenburg and it's time to pack up the ol' typewriter and head back out west. The camera will continue to record evening events as we have dinner with Gill and John, Enid and Gordon and Jan and David. Afterward we're attending the concert put on by Boxwood, the flutists who have gathered here for classes and to enjoy the companionship of like-minded musicians. It's the sort of thing John and Ashley do with their friends who are drummers. The evening's close will probably entail packing our suitcases, but, not to give in too soon, we're having a waffle breakfast for Billy and David in the morning (in place of hiking the trail!) Billy, to you, a personal Thank You for being my walking companion everyday. I think I've shed an inch at least! If I hadn't known you were waiting to go with me, it might not have happened. I'll remember "Happy Trails" and the conversations, songbirds and waterview, sometimes shrouded in morning fog.

As we close up the house for the season, Lowell and Stephanie have volunteered to drive us to the airport Saturday afternoon. I hate to have to leave, but it will be nice to have friends see us off. We'll stay overnight up by the airport and rise early to get a 6 AM flight to New York and then homeward from there. We'll be back home in California around noon.

To our friends we leave behind in Lunenburg, you'll be missed. I won't have nearly as many photo opportunities as I've had here, and I thank all of you (David) who've been patient as I pointed my camera at you. Those pictures will bring me many smiles and good memories in the months that lie ahead. Think of me thinking of all of you. Don't forget to email me now and then; I'll gladly reply! "Happy Trails"!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Images of Alcatraz

Here are a few images as we began our tour around the island. These buildings are essentially empty frameworks at this point. We made our way up steep paths to reach the interior buildings which is where all the cells are. It is unimaginable to fathom what it might have been like to be locked up in cages. As we walked through, I tried to imagine the sounds that echoed through those chilly spaces...

Scenes around the island continued...

Silhouette of Tina in the dining hall.
Nice image of the "outside world" through a hole in the (very thick) glass inside Alcatraz.
There was an abundance of baby gulls all over the island! Who knew that Alcatraz has one of the largest seagull populations in North America?!
Enjoying the boat ride back to civilization!
Amazing sunset shot by Tina. Taken from the Bay Bridge...see Alcatraz peeking through the railings?