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Friday, July 28, 2006

Final Edition ~ Fox Street News and Beyond

Is it possible? Where did the time go? This has been an all-too-short summer stay here in Lunenburg and it's time to pack up the ol' typewriter and head back out west. The camera will continue to record evening events as we have dinner with Gill and John, Enid and Gordon and Jan and David. Afterward we're attending the concert put on by Boxwood, the flutists who have gathered here for classes and to enjoy the companionship of like-minded musicians. It's the sort of thing John and Ashley do with their friends who are drummers. The evening's close will probably entail packing our suitcases, but, not to give in too soon, we're having a waffle breakfast for Billy and David in the morning (in place of hiking the trail!) Billy, to you, a personal Thank You for being my walking companion everyday. I think I've shed an inch at least! If I hadn't known you were waiting to go with me, it might not have happened. I'll remember "Happy Trails" and the conversations, songbirds and waterview, sometimes shrouded in morning fog.

As we close up the house for the season, Lowell and Stephanie have volunteered to drive us to the airport Saturday afternoon. I hate to have to leave, but it will be nice to have friends see us off. We'll stay overnight up by the airport and rise early to get a 6 AM flight to New York and then homeward from there. We'll be back home in California around noon.

To our friends we leave behind in Lunenburg, you'll be missed. I won't have nearly as many photo opportunities as I've had here, and I thank all of you (David) who've been patient as I pointed my camera at you. Those pictures will bring me many smiles and good memories in the months that lie ahead. Think of me thinking of all of you. Don't forget to email me now and then; I'll gladly reply! "Happy Trails"!


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