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Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Normandie Room for Dinner


On Wednesday evening, August 3oth, our dinner table group of 8 decided to have dinner in the "upscale" Normandie Room. It was hard to imagine that anything could have been nicer than the dining room we were eating in! I should have taken a picture of the whole table as it was filled with assorted glasses and heaps of tableware!
For an appetizer I had the Lobster bisque soup which was delicious, but doesn't make for an outstanding photo. The dish above was Ron's selection and I believe it was mushrooms.

To the right of me, Ken had frog's legs. He said he used to eat them as a kid and had missed them, but I teased him that when his mom made them they probably didn't look like this! They make me think of the cartoons of little frogs on crutches...

Once again, I'm not sure what this meal was, but I can make out scallops on the upper right.

And here was my dinner! It makes me hungry again just looking at it...Lamb Chops Wellington! I've never been able to request them rare in the past with the puff pastry. They proved that it can be done...and they were fabulous!

After the dinner course, a large cart was wheeled to the table with a broad assortment of cheeses. We could ask for whatever we wanted and it was put on a plate with the dates, walnuts and apricots. When I asked for a couple of mild cheeses and a blue cheese, the blue came on a separate plate, with the suggestion to eat it last.

All that and we weren't through yet! Several of us tried the assorted dessert plate above! What a feast for the eyes and palate! Need I say, they were all delicious! We'll never see an assortment like that again for years to come!

Harriet got the souffle and I must say it was the prettiest I've seen in a long time! The look on her face seems to say a contented, "Ummmmmmm".

In case someone was still hungry, this was one of two post-dessert trays placed on the table! I couldn't believe how full I was and how I had no room left! We did have coffee and I finally tried the curved wafer on the top looked the least dense! It was, on one hand, all about the food in this restaurant, but the presentation was also orchestrated with 4 waiters at a time to the table all the while, the harpist played! I didn't think they could outdo themselves, but it was awfully impressive!


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