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Friday, September 08, 2006

A Few Sights in Sitka, Alaska

When we got off the ship in the central part of town, the sight of the Russian Orthodox church couldn't be missed. Like Lunenburg's oldest church, this one had burned down, too, but people ran into the building to save the relics. The town decided to rebuild the church on the same site, where it looks as it did in the past.

This man's shop amazed and overwhelmed me! Every square inch of floor (behind me as well) was covered with walrus tusks. They can only be hunted and killed by Eskimo, but he was telling us anyone can buy them and carve them, which is what he was doing.

The building with the wonderful art work is where we went to see the local dancers. They also were proud of their gift shop that only sold work done by the local Tlingit people.

This statue was to the men who came north and forged cities in the wilderness.


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