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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tlingit Dancers in Sitka

While on the tour of the town and forest, our guide suggested we might like to attend the dance and music program put on by the local Tlingit people. Ken and I hadn't thought precisely about going to see that, but as we wandered through town, glancing into shops, nothing caught our eye, and we ended up where the program was to be held, and right on time. They explain that they have classes to teach their people the old dances and songs, and even babies can attend. They'll grow up knowing the songs like our kids can recite nursery rhymes! When they stand with their backs to the audience, it is to show off the detailed workmenship on the backs of their robes. When I later asked for information about their "costumes", I learned that they refer to them as "regalia". I thought the drums would be of interest to John and Ashley, but they just used a slow beat, chanting rhythm when playing them.


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