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Thursday, September 07, 2006

We Set Out to See Juneau Alaska

Our ship couldn't have had a better docking position, immediately on the doorstep to Juneau. Some of our friends had signed up for a day-long tour and salmon bake, so Shirley and Gary, Ken and I found a city tour (to see Alaska's Capitol) and out to Mendenhall Glacier. The bus took us across the only bridge connecting Juneau to Douglas Island across the way, and the pictures below are looking back across at Juneau.

It was interesting that the only way in and out of this city is by plane or boat. Everything they get in their stores is shipped in by barge, and many of the homes, high on the hill side, have no roads to them, so everything has to be carried up steep and long stairways. We all share stories of little aches and pains as we get older, but imagine getting older in Juneau!


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