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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Formal Dinner Sunday Evening

Ed and Barbara, the host and hostess of this elegant gathering! I'm so happy they pulled everyone together! They'd cruised this ship before, so they knew how wonderful it was going to be! We're all gathered on this evening to celebrate Ed's birthday!

Nancy and Aubrey. Aubrey is putting together a DVD, complete with music, using our photos to compile the occasion.

Maryann and Rick are friends of Barbara and Ed's. We only got to know them on the trip.

Chamber music with dinner.

My appetizer was a potato with several types of cheeses melted over it. Delicious!

I can't recall what type of beef I had for this dinner, but I know I ate it all! The timbal was squash and in the foreground is a potato.

Everyone gathered from the three surrounding tables to sing "Happy Birthday" to Ed!

So this is how it works...we all had a slice of that nice cake of Ed's, and then they offer the special dessert of the evening, Cherries Jubilee. For our table, Erbay dished up double scoops of ice cream! And was it ever delicious!


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