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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I landed at The Purple House on Saturday morning the 8th and I've been catered to and cared for by friends to this very minute! Dinner with Stephanie and Lowell the first night, coffee and conversation with Billy and Dave the following morning, followed by dinner with them that night. The next morning, Billy and I went walking, I went to Mahone Bay for Lunch and a little shopping with Enid & Gordon, and I invited Billy and Dave back to the house for dinner with me that evening! (That was last night). This morning Billy and I walked for 45 minutes, came home with miniscule time to log on, and send the pictures to everyone, and I'm off this afternoon to Liverpool, about an hour + south of here. The guys invited me to have dinner with them again tonight! What a fun place to live! (John called and invited me to dinner with him and Mike and to see Pirates of the Carribbean tomorrow night!) I've already got oodles of pictures and no time to put them up. Look for them coming soon! All's wonderful! Seriously!


  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger Big Girl Art said…

    I am so happy to see you posted! Tina called and let me know that she had seen your posting on the blog. I hope you are having yet another wonderful day filled with good friends and the inevitable laughter and smiles that come with them! xoxoxox HE


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